Schools and running costs


Schools in Nigeria are owned either by government (public)  or individuals (private), the public was known to be less costly because of the government involvement in the management and running of the school both the primary and secondary schools.

When I was very tender around 3-5 years we were told that in the olden days that before you start primary school that you must be at least six years of age and as well your fingers have to be touching your ear ( that's if it's your right hand, it must touch your left ear when you place it over your head) it was practically conducted then to know people who are 6 years and above then, gradually the process started vanishing like a smoke, I started my primary school then in the year 1999 and I was one of the smallest among my classmates, after our primary school we graduated to secondary school but before we graduated, during our primary school days there was what we used to call craftsmanship, every term, every student is expected to bring his or her craftsmanship which is the craft that you were able to make, it's a hand-made products from our various homes and based on the abilities of the students


The craft can be a broom or basket and it's a must that as a student you have to bring it and every students were complying to it until when we moved to primary three (3) when the craft was exchanged with money for the lazy students who could not bring either broom or basket, then teachers will collect every craft both the monetary like according to they teach and submit to the head of school (headmaster or headmistress).

It is now the duty of the headmaster or mistress to share it among the teachers according to their level and class because government was fully in charge and control of the cost running in the school, the headmaster or headmistress or even the students doesn't pay a dime for the running and maintenance of the school properties and environment.


Those days our teachers write on the black board and it is very obvious to us then that it is the head of the school that provides the chalk use in writing on the board from the fund provided to them for the running of the school expenses by the government, because I could remember vividly then how we used to go to the headmaster's office every morning to get the chalk for learning for each day.


When we left primary school in the year 2005, we moved to secondary school, it was a total change of environment, academic level and the operations of school management changed in the area that there is no permanent teacher for a particular class because every subject now has its own teacher and the Head of school then happens to be a principal no more headmaster or headmistress.

Secondly, there are subjects that are only allocated to senior students and junior students respectively and the senior section is divided into two classes, science and art class respectively and school was very sweet and when I am talking about school then I am talking about public schools not private schools.

School fees then was low, management was at efficiency, government was paying attention to the schools both in maintenance of the infrastructures and providing funds for the smooth running of every school and there was student to keep the school premises clean.


I was shocked the day I visited the secondary school I passed through, all the structures are now worn-out no learning equipments and teachers was only but few cum students and the students were unethical.

Immediately I left the premises the questions that came across my mind were;

 Who is to be blamed (teachers or students)?

Has the government abandoned their responsibilities or the teachers did?

And why is all the school system crapping and down to mud?

The answers to the question remained with me till the day I went to the primary school where I had my primary school days, my Alma mata to collect my first school leaving certificate (FSLC)  and I met the school premises bushy and unkempt when I got to the Headmistress' office and we started a conversation, and I was able to ask her the reason behind the rough environment and she made it clear to me that they don't have students to keep the environments clean and the government is no longer providing to them running cost funds and as such she uses her money for such expenses which includes buying of writing materials (chalk)  and as well paying laborers to keep the environment clean and because she has no money with her to pay for the clearing of the grasses in the compound that's why the environment is that bushy, I became speechless

My concern is enormous here.

Firstly, how can our schools (alma mata) be out of existence.

Secondly, how can we revive this ugly situation of our school systems?


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