Schools and running costs Schools in Nigeria are owned either by government (public) or individuals (private), the public was known to be less costly because of the government involvement in the management and running of the school both the primary and secondary schools. When I was very tender around 3-5 years we were told that in the olden days that before you start primary school that you must be at least six years of age and as well your fingers have to be touching your ear ( that's if it's your right hand, it must touch your left ear when you place it over your head) it was practically conducted then to know people who are 6 years and above then, gradually the process started vanishing like a smoke, I started my primary school then in the year 1999 and I was one of the smallest among my classmates, after our primary school we graduated to secondary school but before we graduated, during our primary school days there was what we used to call craftsmanship, e...