Child's name, origin and determinant

A CHILD IS BORN According to the tradition of every family from ages, When a child is born the next thing that happens in his or her Life is a celebration that a new creature has entered the earth and at this point a name will be given to the child. But the name which is given to this child may be determined by the society at large or by direct members of the family of the new born baby or even by the Parents alone. According to the understanding we have about every name. It is widely accepted that one’s name is predicated upon his/her future. These may be true because the meaning and origin of a name has to connect us with the life experiences that our people, parents or society had suffered or benefitted from before our emergence on earth. In Africa, the case is not different that the dominated part of family settling in Africa are domiciled by polygamous family so, name became a means of direct or indirect way of expression especially in the side of women mar...